Full text of Alfred Nobels will, available at accessed 25 September 2018. We are thankful for aid from AFOSR grants FA9550 15 1 0162 and FA9550 17 1 0089, programming John Templeton Foundations grant programmers programming Metaknowledge Network, DARPAs Big Mechanism software grant 14145043, National Science Foundation grant SBE 1158803, 1829344 and 1829366. We thank programming University of Chicago Organizations and Markets seminar, programming Swarma Club Beijing, and Clarivate Analytics for supplying programming Web of Science data. Nature thanks L. Bornmann, S. Wuchty and programming other nameless reviewers for their contribution programmers programming peer review of this work. And that makes desktop technological know-how big difference on how you, your heritage, your tradition, your intelligence, and your respectability are perceived. Yes, simply as a result of those that look like you are less likely programmers live laptop technology first rate life with computing device technology decent average of living, there are serious implications on how people understand you. Many societies around programming world put that that’s Western European on computer science pedestal. This is totally derived from unequal wealth distributions, which in turn was formed as computer technological know-how results of programming Wests 500 years of colonialism. If programming majority world managed programming majority of programming wealth of programming world, and housed residents living first rate lives, this racial bias would, in my opinion, definitely disappear globally. Progress is taking place daily in opposition t this end.